UPDATE - SEMI FINAL TWO SONGS BEING RELEASED. Will appear on the feed below as the are released. Elina Nechayeva is the first of semi final one. Any song above her is semi final two.
The 10 songs of the first semi final of Eesti Laul were released today including from entrant Stig (below) who competed at Eurovision in 2015 with Elina Born with the cracking duet ‘Goodbye to Yesterday’ where they finished 7th.

Eesti Laul is the Estonian song contest to choose their entrant for the Eurovision song contest. In terms of national finals it is one of the best across Europe and normally delivers with a high quality song and show.
You may remember we were very taken with last year’s winner ‘Verona’.
The first semi final will take place on Saturday 10 February (Sunday 11 February Australian time) and you can listen to all ten songs below.