Serbia will be hosting a national final for the first time since 2015 (When Bojana Stamenov won with the Serbian version of 'Beauty Never Lies').
The National Final, Beovizija 2018, will take place on February 20 and will feature 17 songs and artists. The winner will be decided by 50% public and 50% jury panel vote.
The artists include Rambo Amadeus who represented Montenegro in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest with 'Euro Neuro' whiched 15th in its semi final.
It was a memorable performance you can watch below.
Saska Jankovic is also no stranger to Eurovision providing back up vocals in the 2010 and 2011 contest for Serbia. She will be competing with the song 'Pesma za tebe'.
Full list of songs and artists below and you can watch all videos at Radio Television of Serbia YouTube playlist.
SevdahBABY — “Hajde da igramo sada”
Rambo Amadeus and Beti Dordevic — “Nema te”
Maja Nikolic — “Zemlja cuda”
Srdan & Emil — “Bar da znam”
Ivan Kurtic — “Ni sunca ni meseca”
Sanja Ilic and Balkanika — “Nova deca”
Koktel Balkan — “Zato”
Boris Režak — “Vila”
Lana and Aldo — “Jaca od svih”
Dušan Svilar — “Pod krošnjom bagrema”
Igor Lazarevic — “Beži od mene”
Saška Jankovic — “Pesma za tebe”
Lord — “Samo nek se okrece”
Danijel Pavlovic — “Ruža sudbine”
Rejbass — “Umoran”
Osmi Vazduh and Friends — “Probudi se”
Biber and DJ Niko Bravo — “Svatovi”