As part of a new series we'll be asking people associated with Eurovision, be it artists, songwriters or other lose connections, five quick questions about them and the contest.
Joining us today is Edgard Kreilis from Latvia who is competing in their national final Supernova with his song, and our favourite of the comp, 'Cherry Absinthe' (which was previously performed as 'Fire; in the auditions). Last year Kreilis finished 6th in Supernova with his song 'Younger Days'.
1. So we are a big fan of 'Cherry Absinthe' but why was there the song title and lyric change from the original 'Fire'?
I'm really happy to hear that. Thank you!
At first, as I wasn't the only one with the song title "Fire", I decided to make some changes. At the end, I didn't just change the title, but also the chorus. Secondly, I reviewed some feedback from my first performance which also inspired us to improve our production and now the song has a bigger potential. And there’s no wonder why there’s a saying “good things come with a time”.
2. This is your third Supernova performance, what have you learned from previous years?
Third time’s a charm! The main task is to learn from mistakes, gain experience and always come back stronger. I have a really good feeling about this year but I still need to maintain focus. It's great to be back and I hope that previous years were meant to help me to prepare for this one.
3. What would it mean to you to compete in Eurovision?
For me, Eurovision is not just a song contest, it's also a chance to represent my country with a huge honor. At least for me it would be. It could also be a massive turning point in my music career, because at the end of the day - "You live, you die but music stays".
4. We understand you're a big Ice Hockey fan and you own a team, tell us about that?
To be honest, I'm a full-time employee. I work for "http://Hokejam.lv " as a project manager and as you already know - besides music I play Ice-Hockey as well. It helps me to keep myself in shape and it helps me to relax from daily duties, which also discharges my emotions. I play in Latvian Hockey League and it is pretty cool to be involved with sports every day, but I still wish to become a full-time musician someday.
5. Have you visited Australia before?
No, unfortunately I haven't been there yet, but I would love to go there. I heard that many Latvians moved to Australia for a living and they are really satisfied - I should probably try to look for some gigs. Who knows, maybe I'll use my vacation wisely and I will spend the time in one of the prettiest beaches in the world - Whitehaven.
Thank you for your time Edgars and good luck on the weekend!
Edgars Kreilis will be competing the first semi final of Latvian selection show 'Supernova'. The first semi final takes place on Saturday night in Latvia, Sunday morning in Australia.
Listen to his song on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/6tijMG4gi1X0Dc28XRYoFf
Or watch it below: