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Melodifestivalen - Our mock jury and televote special

Writer's picture: aussievisionaussievision

The end of national final season finishes with arguably the best one out there - Sweden's Melodifestivalen.

No other nation does it better than the Swedes, and their contest has given us two Eurovision winners, four top three songs and seven top 10 songs in the last eight years.

Before the weekend we thought we'd ask Eurovision fans and a select jury of our fan site peers (plus ourselves) to give us an idea who might end up on top this weekend.

In Eurovision style let's first look at the jury results.....they had to rank their top 10 out of the 12 finalists.


12. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

10. Mohombi - Hello

8. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

7. Nano - Chasing Rivers

6. Bishara - On My Own

5. Arvingarna - I Do

4. Wiktoria - Not With Me

3. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

2. Lisa Ajax - Torn

1. Malou Prytz - I Do Me


12. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

10. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

8. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

7. Arvingarna - I Do

6. Bishara - On My Own

5. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

4. Mohombi - Hello

3. Wiktoria - Not With Me

2. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

1. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes


12. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

10. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

8. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

7. Wiktoria - Not with Me

6. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

5. Arvingarna - I Do

4. Bishara - On My Own

3. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

2. Lisa Ajax - Torn

1. Mohombi - Hello


12. Wiktoria - Not With Me

10. Bishara - On My Own

8. Arvingana - I Do

7. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

6. Lina Headlund - Victorious

5. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

4. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

3. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

2. Lisa Ajax - Torn

1. Mohombi - Hello


12. Wiktoria - Not With Me

10. Lisa Ajax - Torn

8. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

7. Nano - Chasing Rivers

6. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

5. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

4. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

3. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

2. Mohombi - Hello

1. Bishara - On My Own



12. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes To Ashes

10. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

8. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

7. Wiktoria - Not With Me

6. John Lundvik - Too Late For Love

5. Arvingarna - I Do

4. Mohombi - Hello

3. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norssken (Goeksegh)

2 Lisa Ajax - Torn

1 Linda Hedlund - Victorious


12. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norssken (Goeksegh)

10. Bishara - On My Own

8. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

7. Arvingarna - I Do

6. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

5. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes To Ashes

4. Mohombi - Hello

3. John Lundvik - Too Late For Love

2. Nano - Chasing Rivers

1. Wiktoria - Not With Me


12. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

10. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

8. John Lundvik - Too Late For Love

7. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

6. Wiktoria - Not With Me

5. Mohombi - Hello

4. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

3. Arvingarna - I Do

2. Nano - Chasing Rivers

1. Lisa Ajax - Torn


12. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

10. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

8. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

7. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norssken (Goeksegh)

6. Arvingarna - I Do

5. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

4. Wiktoria - Not With Me

3. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

2. Mohombi - Hello

1. Lisa Ajax - Torn


12. Nano - Chasing Rivers

10. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

8. Mohombi - Hello

7. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

6. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

5. Wiktoria - Not with Me

4. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

3. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

2. Lisa Ajax - Torn

1. Lina Hedlund - Victorious


12. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

10. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

8. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

7. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

6. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

5. Wiktoria - Not with Me

4. Nano - Chasing Rivers

3. Lisa Ajax - Torn

2. Bishara - On My Own

1. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You


12. John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

10. Wiktoria - Not With Me

8. Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

7. Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

6. Lina Hedlund - Victorious

5. Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

4. Nano - Chasing Rivers

3. Malou Prytz - I Do Me

2. Arvingarna - I Do

1. Mohombi - Hello


1st (94 points) John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

2nd (79 points). Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

3rd (77 points) Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsk (Goeksegh)

4th (76 points) Wiktoria - Not With Me

5th (72 points) Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

6th (54 points) Malou Prytz - I Do Me

7th (52 points) Lina Hedlund - Victorious

8th (48 points) Arvingarna - I Do

9th (41 points) Mohombi - Hello

10th (39 points) Nano - Chasing Rivers

10th (39 points) Bishara - On My Own

12th (25 points) Lisa Ajax - Torn


On top of the jury scores, we went out to Twitter Eurovision fans to ask them to vote for their favourites. They had three votes to use however they chose. They could put all three votes on one song, or mix it up between two or three songs. We received 450 votes from 150 people and these were the percentages below that we have allocated into points based on the total of the jury.

Here are the results:

1st (22.0% - 153 points) Wiktoria - Not With Me

2nd (20.0% - 139 points) Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

3rd (12.4% - 87 points) Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

4th (9.8% - 68 points) John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

5th (9.6% - 67 points) Lisa Ajax - Torn

6th (9.3% - 65 points) Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

7th (6.3% - 44 points) Malou Prytz - I Do Me

8th (5.1% - 36 points) Lina Hedlund - Victorious

9th (2,7% - 19 points) Nano - Chasing Rivers

10th (1.6% - 11 points) Mohombi - Hello

10th (1.6% - 11 points) Arvingarna - I Do

12th (1.1% - 8 points) Bishara - On My Own


1st (229 points) Wiktoria - Not With Me

2nd (211 points) Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

3rd (164 points) Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

4th (162 points) John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

5th (144 points) Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

6th (98 points) Malou Prytz - I Do Me

7th (92 points) Lisa Ajax - Torn

8th (88 points) Lina Hedlund - Victorious

9th (59 points) Arvingarna - I Do

10th (58 points) Nano - Chasing Rivers

11th (52 points) Mohombi - Hello

12th (47 points) Bishara - On My Own

Now we know the fandom are big fans of Wiktoria and Anna Bergendahl, so perhaps there might be some bias here..... If we split the jury and televote the old fashioned way 12-1 of the jury and 12-1 of the jury the result would be:

=1st (19 points) John Lundvik - Too Late for Love

=1st (19 points) Wiktoria - Not With Me

=3rd (16 points) Anna Bergendahl - Ashes to Ashes

=3rd (16 points) Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Norrsken (Goeksegh)

5th (15 points) Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO - Hold You

6th (9 points) Malou Prytz - I Do Me

7th (7 points) Lina Hedlund - Victorious

8th (6 points) Lisa Ajax - Torn

9th (4 points) Arvingarna - I Do

10th (3 points) Mohombi - Hello

11th (3 points) Nano - Chasing Rivers

12th (1 point) Bishara - On My Own

Well will these results be any indication of what might happen on Sunday? who knows! But big thanks to all our jury members and everyone who put in a vote.

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