Name and where you live
Hi there! My name is Saskia and I live on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia. Though I call Sydney my home I also lived in Perth for a time in primary school and consider it my second home.
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I'm currently studying conservation science at the University of Sydney, majoring in marine science. Part of my degree lets me study at Taronga Zoo as well. So a lot of biology, ecology and geology. My goal is to specialise in arctic and subarctic coastal systems.
In addition to uni, I also work part-time at the cinema, full-time as an avid Whovian and volunteer at the National Maritime Museum, so my interests are quite all over the place!
What is your Eurovision journey?
I was always aware of the contest but the first edition I ever watched was 2016 when I was 11. The Dami Army was inescapable. I committed too, my mum and I watched both semi-finals and the grand final and it was probably the first time I had ever heard of countries like Montenegro and Azerbaijan.
I continued to loosely follow the contest for the remainder of high school and it wasn't until Year 12 when the obsession took hold. It was 2021, in the middle of another lockdown and I was sitting in my room, twiddling my thumbs when the 2021 Eurovision Grand Final YouTube video appeared in my recommended. The contest had finished a month before but I had no idea who had won so decided it was a good way to kill 4 hours. The rest is history.
In 2022 I started to follow the national finals and it wasn't until this year that I decided to take the leap to do something productive with all this energy I invest into this contest. I had been following Aussievision for a while and when I saw the advert for new contributors I jumped at the chance.
Do you have any affinity with nations other than Australia?
My dad grew up in Ireland and I have dual Irish citizenship. While I've never been to Ireland I was raised in an Irish household and feel very culturally Irish in addition to being Australian. Great for me personally but not so much for the Eurofan in me.
I also have an affinity for the Baltics (my stan region if you will).
Any Aussievision highlights?
Noah Dillon reposting my article on him being my choice for a Eurovision entrant is the definite standout. I remember being in a lab when I saw the Instagram story and I had to contain my excitement so that I wouldn't get in trouble for being on my phone!
Quick questions on Eurovision entries
Best winner:
Jamala - 1944 (can never listen without getting chills.)
Favourite three non-Australian entries:
Nina Kraljic - Lighthouse (Croatia 2016), Gjon's Tears - Repondez-moi (Switzerland 2020), Justyna - Sama (Poland 1995)
Favourite Australian entry:
Montaigne - Technicolour (2021)
Makes you dance:
The Roop - On Fire (Lithuania 2020)
Favourite non-qualifier:
Tulia - Pali Sie (Poland 2019)
Favourite Eurovision year:
2021 if I'm being basic, 1995 if I'm being interesting
Favourite national finals:
Supernova, Eesti Laul, Vidbir and Festival da Cancao
Favourite national final songs:
INGA - No Dog on a Leash (Eesti Laul), Connolly - Midnight Summer Night (Ireland Eurosong), Baryak - Dva Srce (Montesong) & Kristin Sesselja - Obyggthir (Songvakeppnin)