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Estonia: Aussievision's Eesti Laul 2022 rankings

We now have a full lineup for the Semi-Finals for Eesti Laul 2022, the show to determine Estonia's representative for Eurovision 2022 in Turin.

While the live semi-finals are not until February, we here at Aussievision couldn't resist ranking all the songs, so here are the results from the team!

10. Merilin Mälk - 'Little Girl' (32 points)

  • Highs: 10 points from Hayley, 8 points from Emma

  • Lows: 0 points from Craig, Fleur, Guy, Hugo, Kyriakos, Laura, Steven and Tim

"After first listening to this song I kept going back to it. It's just a really lovely song!" ~ Hayley

"Beautiful voice and strong storytelling but I was looking for it to build in to so much more. This is crying out for a dance remix but is still one of the strongest songs in the competition." ~ Emma

"There's a degree of instant familiarity about this entry that points to a possible lack of originality. Yet, somehow they have done it so well that I don't really care. The song is very good and the production does enough to make this enjoyable for 3 minutes." ~ Mike

9. ELYSA - 'Fire' (35 points)

  • Highs: 10 points from Laura

  • Lows: 0 points from Craig, Emma, Guy and Mike

"I'm a simple Eurofan, I love my dance pop bangers, and when I heard that ELYSA was returning to Eesti Laul, I was especially keen to hear what she would bring considering her more recent releases. This song is 'Fire', exactly as advertised! This style of music has been done many times in Eurovision before, but not by Estonia, so I think it would be refreshingly different for them. There's a lot of staging potential here, with dancers and pyro a-plenty. ELYSA is turning the Baltic Sea into the Mediterranean and I'm loving every second of it!" ~ Laura

"I'm a simple gal who likes female bangers. That is all." ~ Liv

8. Helen - 'Vaata minu poole’ (35 points)

  • Highs: 8 points from Kyriakos

  • Lows: 0 points from Dale, Fleur, Hayley, Hugo, Liv and Mike

"Omg Helen, giving us an awesome dance song that maybe a little dated but I don't care! Love this so much!" ~ Kyriakos

7. Jaagup Tuisk 'Kui Vaid' (40 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Steven, 10 points from Hugo

  • Lows: 0 points from Fleur, Hayley, Laura, Liv, Mike and Tim

"‘Kui vaid' blew me away from my first listen, I find it that compelling. Its structure is unique, which I would argue marks a real point of difference from anything else in EL 2022. It also has several potentially epic “moments” (around the 1 min 30 mark). I can only hope Jaagup’s live vocals are up to the task. If they are, I’ll be LAPPING THIS UP!! It’s easily my favourite song of the NF season so far." ~ Steven

"Took me a few listens but this is just magical. Jaagup uses all his acting and theatre background to create such a dramatic composition. If his previous Eesti Laul staging is anything to go by, watch out for this if he can nail the live vocal. That last minute of the song especially they've just thrown the kitchen sink at, but I'm here for it." ~ Hugo

"There are so many 100/100 moments in this. Super modern with some real beautiful melodic and powerful moments. Unfortunately the production gets a little messy and overwrought at times which just drops it down slightly for me." ~ Dale

6. Andrei Zevakin feat. Grete Paia - 'Mis nüüd saab’ (40 points)

  • Highs: 10 points from Mike

  • Lows: 0 points from Fleur, Guy, Hayley, Kyriakos and Tim

"Another song from this selection that feels current and ready to hit mainstream radio. I do worry about how this translates in a live setting and there is a degree of receptiveness, but overall the song is really solid and has a very international feel. One for my end of season Spotify playlist." ~ Mike

"I like it when a song that I wouldn’t consider to be of a genre I’d enjoy kinda works for me. This is the case here. This lounge style number with a difference is pretty catchy, the guitar works, and the whole thing improves when featured artist Grete makes an appearance." ~ Steven

5. Anna Sahlene - 'Champion' (61 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Hugo, 8 points from Dale and Liv

  • Lows: 0 points from Craig, Emma, Fleur and Tim

"Call me basic but I absolutely love this! So anthemic, so catchy, I love the pre-chorus then the chorus comes and it's all a big party. I really hope Anna and her team can capture this energy on stage. Televote potential!" ~ Hugo

"Anna Sahlene is serving us up some old school perfect schlager pop. Although this feels like it will come alive more in the live performance, the studio already gets me excited with some key vocal moments and a real 'Eurovision' climax. What a comeback for the legend!" ~ Dale

"There is always a place for these girl-boss songs in my heart – honestly sometimes you just need a kickarse chorus in your life to pump you up a bit. The message is nice, some good anthemic elements – overall a catchy little number that puts me in a good mood." ~ Liv

"Me giving points to a Europop (semi-)banger with a message of self-empowerment? Groundbreaking, I know, but I like this. It has your typical verse-chorus-verse progression, which allows the song to build nicely. Yeah, I’d jump about on a dance floor to this." ~ Steven

4. Stig Rästa - 'Interstellar' (71 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Liv, 10 points from Kyriakos

  • Lows: 1 point from Craig, 0 points from Dale, Emma and Laura

"A familiar tried and tested sound that has a nice aura about it. There is nothing ground-breaking about Stig’s entry this year but it certainly is one of the best produced of the bunch, has a good hook and a meaty anthemic little chorus. It's sweetness is contagious for me." ~ Liv

"An awesome radio friendly song where after a few listens gets stuck in your head. I really love the production on this." ~ Kyriakos

"So much that ticks my boxes here - 80's synths. Great builds and hooks. A catchy instantly memorable chorus. Stig Rasta! I really should love this. But.. for all the good songwriting here, something feels a little hollow and soulless. I'm hearing Stig, but I'm not feeling Stig in this entry." ~ Mike

"While this may be a fairly straight forward pop song, I constantly find myself wanting to play it. It’s enjoyable from start to finish and if Stig can give it some extra impact in the live performance, I think it’s in with a great chance." ~ Guy

"So so good from Stig. Perhaps not as indie as some would have hoped, but this is effortlessly catchy, real easy listening and we know Stig can nail a live performance." ~ Hugo

3. Púr Múdd, Shira - 'Golden Shores' (79 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Emma, Mike and Tim

  • Lows: 0 points from Craig, Dale and Liv

"I'm loving this track! 'Radio ready', catchy and with a modern cracking bassline. This has definitely stuck with me, as a song. However as a competition song, it definitely has it's challenges and I am interested to see how they give this impact on a live stage." ~ Mike

"This song is absolutely brilliant. It has a certain vibe to it that makes it really enjoyable as a package. Both of the vocals sound really great together and it sounds authentic to both Púr Múdd and Shira, similar to Frankie Animal from a few years ago .I don’t know if the song is able to win Eesti Laul necessarily but it will already go down as one of my favourites for the season" ~ Tim

"Yes the chorus is simple although singing Shimmering Golden Shores over and over is harder than it sounds! But there's a lot to love about this radio friendly electro disco bop. It builds well from its soft and quiet beginning and their voices blend well together. Hopefully they can pull this off live as it sounds great as a studio version." ~ Emma

"This feels modern, is catchy, has a definite hook (“shimmering golden shores”) and holds together well for me. It has something of a USP and I’m all for something a little different if it works. ~ Steven

"I loved Shira's song last year and I am so glad she has another chance after missing out with her solo song. This one is the better of the two. Would love to see her at Eurovision." ~ Fleur

2. Ott Lepland - 'Aovalguses' (83 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Kyriakos, Dale and Craig, 10 points from Steven

  • Lows: 2 points from Guy and Emma, 0 points from Laura

"Among an awful lot of electropop in this year's Eesti Laul, this stands out as a soul-inflected power ballad. Maybe you want to quibble over whether it's the best song in the national final, but it certainly stands out, and Ott gives a powerful and note-perfect vocal performance. That's more than enough for me. Phenomenal." ~ Craig

"There is something so special about this song, it seems bigger than Eesti Laul itself. I cannot wait to hear Ott sing this live! Love the song and music video!!" ~ Kyriakos

"In a fantastic Eesti Laul selection this still stands head and shoulders above the rest for me. Not only does the song showcase Ott's incredible vocals, it also conjurs up some fantastic early 2000s man ballads in the ilk of a Robbie Williams 'Feel' or Stereophonic's 'Handbags and the Gladrags' that I love. Powerful, emotive, if he pulls this off live he is not only going to Turin, he is going straight to the Grand Final. Magic." ~ Dale

"This song is almost exclusively a vehicle for just one thing: Ott’s distinctive and really rather beautiful voice. Personally, that’s kinda enough. I do wish the song had a little more for me to sink my teeth into though." ~ Steven

1. STEFAN - 'Hope' (90 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Laura, 10 points from Craig, Dale, Emma, Guy and Liv

  • Lows: 2 points from Tim, 0 points from Hayley and Steven

"Initially, I wasn't completely sold on 'Hope', but by the third listen I was hooked and the song was stuck in my head for days on end! This style of song suits Stefan superbly, and while it's not the most original song out there, I enjoy its radio-friendliness and country pop sound, particularly the fact that it commits wholeheartedly to the country aspect of the song. There are so many wonderful instrumental details and moments that draw me in, and every time I listen to it, I hear something new. I 'Hope' 2022 is Stefan's year!" ~ Laura

"Stefan is bringing us some country EDM ala Avicii's 'Hey Brother but it works! It has enough small moments with drama while still bringing a competitive hooky chorus for people to hang on to. Much will depend on the live but as a studio song I really enjoy this and have on repeat often." ~ Dale

"If this had of come out a few years ago, I don’t think I would have been ready for another EDM blended country song. But it’s been a while now since the Avicii tracks, and I am absolutely loving this. I think songs in this genre need to be nailed to get the balance right between the country elements and dance elements, and this song has got it right. The last minute absolutely bangs - I’d love to see it on the Eurovision stage." ~ Guy

"Stefan's Avicii like vocals make this anthemic song stand out a mile from the rest. I love the originality here and strong visuals will make this hard to beat." ~ Emma

"Some of the best production in Eesti Laul this year with a familiar and easily digestible sound. It harks back to the popular country-pop era of the 2010s which does date it somewhat…but it’s executed very well and is easily memorable. This song suits Stefan very wells and should open up some staging potential." ~ Liv

"This transcends its Avicii/Mans Zelmerlow-inspired roots to become a genuinely distinct strummy cowboy guitars track (you know, that genre). The last minute is anthemic and very memorable, and will hopefully go down a treat live. Perhaps not the most out-of-the-box song in this selection, but this is great nonetheless." ~ Craig

The rest of the results from 11th to 20th are as follows:

11. Maian - 'Meeletu' (32 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Guy: "Balearic house vibes weren’t something I was expecting from Eesti Laul and I am here for it 110%. I loved this from first listen and still can’t get enough of it. No matter the result in the contest, it’s going to be in my summer soundtrack."

  • 12 points from Fleur: "I really enjoyed this. Such a fun song. I heard it in the first quarter final and I can still recall it."

12. Elina Nechayeva - 'Remedy' (29 points)

13. Jyrise - 'Plaksuta' (27 points)

  • Highs: 10 points from Tim: "While I must admit that Estonian rap isn’t my favourite type of music, there is something very appealing about this song. It sounds very similar to a Macklemore song and the way it sounds like a real party vibe. It sounds like a promising song and maybe this would be a shake up from previous Estonian songs at Eurovision"

14. Triin Niitoja ja Frants Tikerpuu - 'Laululind' (26 points)

15. Alabama Watchdog - 'Move On' (25 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Hayley: "This is exactly what I listen to in my non-Eurovision life. Great guitar and very Kasabian! It is a very "full" song and very well produced."

16. Black Velvet - 'Sandra' (16 points)

  • Highs: 8 points from Laura: "From the very first listen, 'Sandra' had me donning my leg warmers and doing the Nutbush! It's extremely catchy, and while it may sound dated to some, I think that only adds to the song's charm. Black Velvet's personality really shines through in 'Sandra', and I hope it becomes a modern classic in Estonia."

17. Boamadu - 'Mitte kauaks' (10 points)

18. Kaia-Liisa Kesler - 'Vaikus' (8 points)

19. Minimal Wind ft. elisabeth tiffany - 'What To Make Of This' (8 points)

20. Evelin Samuel - 'Waterfall' (7 points)

You can access the full playlist of songs on YouTube

The Semi-Finals of Eesti Laul 2022 will take place on February 3 and 5 (morning of February 4 and 6 Australian time), where the Top 5 from each show will make it to the Grand Final, which will be the following Saturday February 12 (Sunday 13th Australian time). You can watch the show on ETV and the ETV+ websites.


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